Monday, 20 June 2011

Proud Parents...

We Did It!
Some of us with the Certificate of Adoption and Report!

Well Done to all the Learners and their families, friends and our community, for helping us to achieve our goal. We appreciate your generosity so much.

One more lesson of Club to go, and then.... holidays!

Are you excited?

So, last Wednesday you began your PhotoStory and they are looking great!  This morning a couple of you came through to the Centre to add music and to narrate. Well done to you guys!

The rest of you, between Tuesday and Wednesday morning, I will be collecting you to come and narrate your Stories, so that they can be uploaded.

This Wednesday afternoon, we will be posting our final blog post. :(  A bit sad, isn't it?

In this post, you will upload the picture of the Report and Adoption Certificate, just as I have done here, so that your readers know that we have been successful in reaching our goal.

And guess what? Not only have you made a real difference, in real life, to Ziggy, but you have also learnt lots of new skills that you can take home and teach your parents on the Computer!

As my last post to you all, I have to say that I am so proud of you for all the enthusiasm that you have shown from the beginning to the end of this project.

You are all STARS!

Have a wonderful holiday.
Bye for now,
Mrs. G

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Meet Ziggy!

 The Adoption Forms are in!
The Day has Come!

Meet the latest member of our family.

Meet Ziggy

I think Ziggy was saying HELLLLLOOOOO!!!!

Well done to the Computer Club Boys and Girls for their commitment to this project - not only to the Donkeys and raising the money - but for the amazing skills that you have been introduced to during these weeks. You have used Word, PowerPoint, AutoCollage and Movie Maker. This week we will be starting our PhotoStory! 

I delivered your Thank You letters this morning - and Ziggy seemed only too happy to pose a little for you!

Still lots to look forward to...

See you all on Wednesday!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The Raffle is Drawn!

What an EXCITING morning we had last Friday! 

I am so overwhelmed by the support of the parents, families and friends of this school!  With your generosity we have raised R3100-00!

This allows us to sponsor feed, care, vet and medicine fees for a donkey for an entire year!  We have decided that the donkey we would like to sponsor is ZIGGY!!  (Photos to follow!)

We will now write to Eseltjiesrus and tell them what we have raised and and submit our forms to sponsor our donkey.

On behalf of the Senior Computer Club, we want to thank you for your generosity and kindness in helping to make this dream a reality!

Getting Ready to DO the DRAW.

And the Winner IS!

Our TWO Winning Ticket Sellers - Well Done Boys!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Mall Crawl

Was that as difficult as you thought it was going to be?

Getting ready to hand out our brochures at the local mall.
Telling people about Eseltjiesrus

Not really hey?  Once you have approached one person it gets easier.  Don't worry if people said "No", it was nothing personal - perhaps they were in a hurry. We never know people's reasons - I was pleased to see how polite you were to those people who were not interested. Well done!

So, the Brochures have been handed out and perhaps, there may be another kind hearted person or even more who will read it and decide to support Eseltjiesrus too.  Wouldn't that be nice?

I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow where we will finish our letters to the Sanctuary, upload our AutoCollage and write another short post on our blog.

See you then!
Mrs G

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Thank You Letters

Wow! Our dream has come true!

You have not only worked hard together to raise the funds, but you have learnt a lot of other skills at the same time.

From our Outing we have learnt practically how important it is to treat animals with love and kindness, and how to care for them correctly, as well as how to be a part of the solution.

At Computer Club, we have:
  • Used this information to learn new ICT skills including using
  • Learnt to invlove others to help achieve a goal with the Raffle and the Brochure handout at the mall
  • Learnt how to inform our wider community and indeed the world of our project with our Blogs
  • Learnt more about using PowerPoint, making your Movie and your lovely AutoCollage
We still have more to learn and do:
  • Narrating your PhotoStory
  • How to burn all your work to a CD to take home.
However, there is something very important that we need to do, and that is to write to Eseltjiesrus, thanking them for our Outing and telling them how much we have raised. We also need to decide which donkey we would like to adopt!

This is what we will do on Wednesday. We will work in WORD, write them a lovely THANK YOU letter and insert our AutoCollage that we have made. I am sure that they will love to see your memories of the day altogether in a picture!

Well done! Am very proud of you all.
Mrs. G.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Gooooood Afternoon Boys and Girls!

I have had a look at all the Movies you made last week and I am so impressed -What an inspiring bunch you are.  Did you have an opportunity to show your parents and friends?

This week we are going to learn another awesome skill.  Do you know what a Collage is?
A collage is what we make when we take lots of photo's that we love and stick them all right next to each other until there are no gaps but only one big beautiful picture.

Normally we would sit for hours and cut out photo's or pictures and then spend time making sure that they fitted 'just right' on our paper.  It's a lot of fun to do but it can take quite a long time.

Guess what!?  NOW we have AutoCollage - this is when we select photo's that we like, save them into a folder and then, at the push of a button, the computer wiggles them all into place and we can choose the one that we like best and save it!

So, when we get together today - this is what we will be learning:  Creating a new folder and giving it a name, then copying and pasting some of our favourite pictures from our outing into that new folder, then, magically making a collage from all of our favourite photo's!

Next week, we are going to use WORD and write a letter to Eseltjiesrus thanking them for the lovely outing, telling them how much we raised and hopefully choosing the donkey we want to adopt.  We are going to paste the Collages that we make today, onto our letter to remind them of our wonderful time!

You will love this and I am going to love teaching it to you.
Are you ready?

See you later.

Mrs. G

Friday, 20 May 2011

Windows Live Movie Maker!

Making our own movie! 

Did you enjoy finding the pictures you wanted to use?

What about all those lovely effects you could add and putting in your own music and giving your movie and name and cast characters!

Just like a proper film maker.

I had so much fun with it and I enjoyed so much teaching it to you.

I think it would be fabulous to do it in an ICT class too, maybe with our Sports Day Photo's or Crazy Hair Day?

There is so much more that we can still learn to do with this - so, let's do it!!

See you next week for Photo Story 3 and narrating your story!!


Have a lovely week!

Mrs. G.