Tuesday, 19 April 2011

We Went, We Learnt, We Enjoyed!

For most of us it was a long drive to Eseltjiesrus and we had to leave while it was still dark. You all arrived with great attitudes and made the journey part of the adventure - I am so proud of you all!

This week we are going to POST our first entry of our newly created Blog. We will, firstly, write the post, then we will use Blogger's Design Template to make our Blogs look unique and special.  Our first POST will be about our car trip to the Sanctuary, what we thought when we arrived, what it looked like and what we did first. Do you remember what the first thing was that we did when we started our programme?

We will also design a Powerpoint Slide each that we will merge into a show, and EACH of you will get a turn at 6 May Assembly to tell the school something special about the Outing. We are going to hand out our Raffle sheets after Assembly and then the race will be ON to see which class can raise the most money for us to ADOPT a DONKEY!

See you all on Wednesday - get ready for a fun afternoon and learning brand new skills.
